Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Recognise Aphasia

It is an exciting time to be a Speech and Language Therapist working in Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, County Healthcare Partnerships', Stroke pathway.

On 23rd June, as part of the Giving Voice campaign, our service will be co-hosting a fantastic event for people with aphasia, caregivers and healthcare professionals. Our co-hosts are experts with aphasia who are members of a local self-help group, Aphasia Mansfield.


If you are within close proximity to Mansfield, UK on the day, and are interested in finding out more, we would love you to come along and join us for free cake in our aphasia friendly cafe.

If you can't make it, do not despair! You can still get involved by using the hashtag 


to tweet any aphasia factsexperiencescommunication tips, or questions to raise the desperately-needed awareness about this condition which affects more than 375,000 stroke survivors in the UK.

Watch this space and #RecogniseAphasia.